As a tribal coalition, CSVANW does not provide emergency or direct services.  If you are in an unsafe situation or need immediate assistance please dial 911.

CSVANW Materials Usage Guidelines

CSVANW’s work is informed, shaped and developed by a collective of CSVANW staff, board, consultants, and community members. Materials that are developed are the result of community conversations and intellectual property, and are rooted in trust, partnership and knowledge.

We ask those wishing to use CSVANW materials honor the following guidelines:

  1. Please seek permission before publishing or posting materials found on the CSVANW site or from materials that have been created by the Coalition.
  2. If utilizing the CSVANW logo or brand, please maintain the integrity of our logo and request a high-resolution file so that it is presented in the highest quality. You can contact us here to request a high resolution logo.
  3. Credit the author and source of the material. Please by mindful that many of our sources are listed, and you may need to additionally cite those sources.
  4. Select slides or resources from the CSVANW website or other Coalition materials should also be sourced and credited.
  5. Always include an appropriate reference citation.
Honor Healthy Boundaries, Get Consent!
Paths to Healthy Relationships
Trans & Gender Non-Conforming Youth in NM
Violence & Bullying Against Native Youth in NM
Land & Body Violence
Ending Intimate Partner Violence in Tribal Communities
National Statistics on Sexual Violence Against Men
Sex Trafficking in Tribal Communities
Sexual Violence in Tribal Communities
About Us
Your Body & Every Body is Sacred Zine