The Counter Narrative: DEER WOMAN
A Photoblog by Lee Francis
One in three Native women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
Let that resonate.
This is not some anomaly but rather speaks to the fact that Native people and Native women specifically are systematically silenced. Their stories are left untold and unheard. The eroticization and marginalization of Native women to fulfill colonial fantasies of power is a common theme running through literature and comic books.
This is why, when we first published Deer Woman: A Vignette, I knew we had something powerful that could work toward disrupting the hegemonic narrative and give Native woman hope.
. [below are illustrations from the book]
inspired by the life of Julie Rich
Written and Illustrated by
Jackie Fawn
“Some paths we journey are those of our ancestors”
Elections on life, death and rebirth
Illustrated by Mia Casesa
Los Aunties
Written and Illustrated by
Kimberly Dawn Robertson (Mvskokxe)
Dedicated in loving memory of
Auntie Sandy Franks
“…and to the rest of the auntie alliance”
Asdzáá Changing
Written and Illustrated by
Tatum Bowie
“..of course it’s scary, change isn’t easy”
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