By Celena McCray of We R Native
Suicide is a troubling topic that most of us would rather not deal with, but suicide is a reality, and it is more common than we would like to think. By paying attention to warning signs, talking about the “unthinkable,” getting connected with family, friends and our culture – we may be able to help a friend in a time of need.
Each September you can join We R Native in supporting National Suicide Prevention Month and this year’s Suicide Prevention Week is September 9-15, 2018. By educating our friends and family about suicide and mental illness we can spread the word that suicide CAN BE PREVENTED. To get help or give help, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text START to 741741 to chat via text.
Get started by reading a few of these articles. Educate yourself about suicide and warning signs:
- Friend Post Something Concerning?
- Deliberate self harm
- When your friend is talking about suicide
- When someone takes their own life: how you might feel
- Wanting to end your life
- Suicide warning signs
- National suicide prevention lifeline
Then, take action and spread the word that suicide CAN BE PREVENTED! Here’s what you can do:
- Organize a candlelight ceremony or walk to remember those who have died by suicide.
- Organize a cultural or spiritual event to raise awareness about suicide.
- Organize a training at your school on suicide and depression…host a QPR training or TeenScreen event.
- Visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP) webpage for more information, fact sheets, and World Suicide Prevention day events worldwide:
- Create a video about suicide prevention and post it on We R Native.
- Apply for a We R Native mini-grant of up to $475 to host a World Suicide Prevention month activity. Learn more and apply here
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