By: Taejonon Denetclaw
*message seen* 1 hour ago.
“Should I message again? — No, I shouldn’t I don’t wanna seem clingy.”
“Oh hey, sorry, I was at work all day… Do you wanna meet sometime later this week”
“Hey I’ll meet you there at 8 tonight”
“Hey i’m here”
I wait a couple hours, hoping, praying, you’d come
*I head home*
*The next day*
I receive a message from you saying “hey, sorry I got busy”
Sad and angry as I was, because you didn’t let me know you couldn’t make it while I was sitting there shivering in the brisk air mistaking butterflies for anxiety.
I sleep away that discouragement
I let it go because I was taught that love prevails.
Only this love is masking something else–
Blind to it, I saw through the holes your lies, and believe them.
“Hey, wanna hang out after work?”
“I’m here”
“Hey, I’m sorry I had to stay at work late”
Tell me sweet lies.
You got me convinced I want this.
Everyday, teens fall prey to psychological abuse.
Believing that their love for someone is enough for both of them.
Believing their partner’s facade of affection is enough to make up for their lies.
Everyday, teens 1-in-3 experience abuse,
Abuse that talks and acts to exert power and control over a partner.
Everyday, teens, when they’re young are told that if someone hurts you, they probably like you.
Love is not jealousy dressed as protection,
Love is not tolerating the pain,
Love is not–
Love shouldn’t hurt.
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