As a tribal coalition, CSVANW does not provide emergency or direct services.  If you are in an unsafe situation or need immediate assistance please dial 911.

What is it?

A program area within the CSVANW Training & Education Team; cultivating community solidarity among Native men and boys & LGBTQ2S+ relatives.

Who is it for?

For CSVANW members, service providers, educators, and community organizers that provide services to/engage with Native men and boys & LGBTQ2S+ relatives.

Why does this program exist?

We understand the balance that existed in our communities pre-colonization; a balance rooted in community roles and responsibilities rather than individualized gender and power. In order to achieve this, CSVANW believes we must meet our community with love at their varying levels of trust and understanding of patriarchal structures, paternal systems of governance, & gender identity.

How will this be done?

  • Intentionally addressing patriarchy in our communities.
  • Challenging western gender/gender-binary systems
  • Developing more gender-expansive initiatives, trainings, and advocacy
  • Upholding Indigenous matriarchy, knowledge, and wellness.
  • Addressing and affirming healthy masculinities.