Mahatma Gandhi (M. K. Gandhi, referred to as Gandhi ji) is known as the “Father of the Nation” for India as he was the champion for the non-violence movement in India and that resulted in the freedom of India. Dr. Martin Luther King was a big believer in Gandhi ji’s ideology of non-violence.
October 2, 2019 marks the 150thBirth Anniversary for Gandhi ji. The Hindu Temple would like to mark this special day with a Walkathon dedicated in support of Non-Violence. The Walkathon is being planned currently and we are seeking like-minded partners to make this a joint success for the communities of Albuquerque and New Mexico.
We are hoping that since your organization supports non-violence, you may be interested in joining hands with us and we all can walk together on this historic event.
We, being a 501-(c)-3 organization, are not doing this to raise funds but mainly to raise the awareness against violence in all walks of life. Your support will be very much appreciated; and the support may come in any form – be it financial, logistics or to show the strength in numbers.
Please reach out to me at 510-364-6095 or the President of the temple Mr. Jaiswal at 505-980-6649 for any questions. My email is [email protected].
We look forward to your support in joining this event and making it a big success.
The Hindu Temple Society of New Mexico (HTSNM) is proud to organize a Walkathon to celebrate the 150thbirth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi who was the pioneer in supporting non-violence in early 1900’s that resulted in the freedom of India. HTSNM is a non-profit 501 (C) -3 organization and would like to raise the awareness against violence in the communities around Albuquerque. HTSNM is requesting your support in their fight against violence.
Here are the details for the event:
Date & Time: Saturday October 19, 2019 – 8 AM – noon
Place: Albuquerque Academy – 6400 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
Route: Walk around the Academy along Wyoming, Harper, Ventura and Academy.
Please visit HTSNM.org for further details.
By: Yagnesh Pathak, HTSNM Member
Hindu Temple Society of New Mexico (HTSNM)
8418 Zuni Rd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
(505) 508-4360
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