New Year’s Resolution: Finding your work and family life balance! – Jana Pfeiffer
Finding your work and family life balance is quite a challenge. As a mother of two kids, ages 8 and 10 years old, I’m find myself constantly striving to balance my responsibilities. It has been over a year now since being employed with CSVANW, and I love my job. I get to meet and interact with ambitious and dedicated people in the domestic violence prevention movement! Who wouldn’t want a job like that? I love my job so much, that I began to notice how it started to affect my own family life.
My daughter back in December made a comment to me, that stopped me in my tracks. She said, “Mom, how come you don’t pick us up from school anymore?” My heart sank and I realized that during the fall season, I didn’t pick them up much. She was right, I answered, “You know what, I will pick you and Elliot up this Friday – how about that?” Her eyes lite up and she smiled happily. I knew in that moment, I needed to rethink the way I was working and mothering my children. I know as a mother we put too much stress on ourselves because we have to do it all – have it all. So much stress that it can manifest in other negative ways such as your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health. So for 2017, my goal is to reprioritize my family and work life. To truly balance my needs and responsibilities as a mother.
My job at CSVANW offers many benefits such as our health insurance, wellness gym plan and professional development! These benefits without a doubt help me to be the best Jana ever! I’m grateful for my work space and how our executive director understands the importance of our families. The next day after Abby’s comment, I went to my boss and told her how my family life was strained. She recommended me to bring my kids to work and to continue my morning and night rituals with them. Bringing your children to work helps them understand what we do at work. It helps instill the idea of their parent’s work life and what it takes to perform duties. I knew in that moment, that my kids weren’t asking for much, just to be picked up, be present and continue to cook their favorite meal. I miss my days of being a stay at home mom, but I love my life right now too. It’s just finding that middle ground, that balance to bring the love of my job and motherhood together. Now, when my two children return to school next week, I want to pick them up from school and make these last few months of elementary school fun (especially before my son goes off to middle school).
Although, I have many new 2017 goals on my wall, and spending quality time with my kids is my ultimate goal, I do have a few other goals to share. Such as:
•Whether it’s the next state or abroad, I’m open to the idea now of traveling at every opportunity.
•I’m not a perfect person and I know that, I will love myself no matter what.
• Attend two concerts with my husband, It will remind me of the times we dated when we were younger.
• Help my children live more spiritually, such as being aware of their cultural livelihood and their cultural roles in a big family that truly loves them.
•I know there’s always room for improvement, whether it’s physical activity or being a best friend, I would like to be the best possible version of myself.
•Graduate school is a huge family decision and I don’t want to rush into a program unless I know it’s for me, but one thing I know for sure, I want to apply to graduate school.
I like the person I am and I would like to continue to grow with these amazing goals. I don’t want to drastically change myself, I just to make subtle changes with my family and work life. Set your goals today, write them out and post them on your wall, mirror, or car – tell yourself how awesome you are! Only you have the power on how to live your life and be simply happy about it.
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